1) During your initial visit, your dentist will conduct a thorough examination of the current health of your teeth, gums, jawbone and bite. Screening for oral cancer, gum disease and infections is included. Smile photos are important for planning and communication. At our practice, preventive care is a priority so we recommend that your routine incorporates regular hygiene visits. We will guide you through how to keep your mouth healthy on a daily basis and can advise you on techniques and products suitable for your needs. Our goal is to support you on your path to ideal health.
We encourage our patients to openly discuss their dental questions and expectations with us. During your visit, Dr. Kaile will discuss your personalised treatment plan.
If you are anxious, or have had any previous challenges with dental treatment, we encourage you to communicate this at your visit. We enjoy creating a friendly and relaxing environment to help deliver a positive dental experience for all of our patients. We have themed rooms with Apple TV, YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, Sonos speakers, Saje diffusers, and cozy blankets!
2) Most patients prefer to have their cleaning started right after their exam. Depending on the amount of buildup, staining, and the extent of disease, we will do our best to complete it within the next hour. Additional visits may be necessary to achieve optimal results.
3) Patients who prefer dentist-guided whitening treatment may discuss options during their exam. Ideal results are obtained soon after their cleaning.